Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Enemy medicine....

There are some speculations now that the Heparin contamination was intentional and done deliberately for the 13 countries that received the contaminated Heparin. This is a shocking revelation and will scare people from buying products from countries that are not really friends. In a way, deliberate contamination is an act of war against innocent citizens of another country.

This is similar to cops never buying food that they cannot see visually being prepared. The juvelines at the counter have typically encountered cops before and they see the food preparation as an opportunity to pass on some body fluids to the cops. This makes cops a great fan of doughnuts, Subway and Quiznos.

So China has a lot of explaining to do now. I wonder how many such abuses happen with other food items and medicines that come from other countries.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Genetic discrimination for insurance banned in US...

There is now a bill officially banning genetic discrimination. But insurance carriers and their legal teams have long found a way around this by claiming that you already have the illness. So it is still a good idea not to share any genetic testing results with insurance carriers whenever possible. This is especially true during the times when you are applying for insurance.

One of the things you have to be careful about in these cases is over the counter medications that you might be taking to offset the effect of any future genetic illness. Make sure that this information is not entered into any doctor's record. Talk to the doctor if you wish, but make it absolutely clear to the doctor that the over the counter medication cannot be documented in his records in any way. These OTC medications are one way insurance underwriters are sniffing out potential genetic issues. They will quote you exorbitant rates based on the vitamins or antioxidants you might be taking. There is no rule indicating that OTC drug information has to be available to insurers; make sure that it is not available to them.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Irresponsible research regarding child gender...

There was a recent flurry of activity regarding research that correlated the mothers eating habits to the sex of the child. The researchers were hopefully aware of the fact that male sperm decides the sex of the child.

This is very irresponsible research. Female foeticide is being perpetrated in many parts of the world. Now people will have a new tool to further humiliate females for producing a female child.

The only plus point of this research is that conceiving females in India and China will get to eat a healthy breakfast.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Mitochondrial disorder, autism, vaccine tie up found....

Finally, we have some research which indicates that some of the kids who had an autism diagnosis were later on found to have a mitochondrial disorder too. This ties back to my article from a few days ago. Here is a real bad interpretation of the results; these kids can have other serious issues in addition to muscle weakness. Mitochondrial disorders are a beast in itself, so much so that the parent may not even be concerned about autism when dealing with mito complications.

Mitochondrial disorder is an asymmetric disease; it means that if you have the disorder in your muscles, it does not necessarily mean a disorder in the brain and vice versa. So unless you are performing brain biopsies or some similarly invasive procedure, there is no way to know if you will have a vaccine injury or not. Let us see what the scientific community comes up with to detect brain mitochondrial disorders. From what we have seen for mitochondrial disorders at this point in time, muscle is the only convenient place to check for the disorder and there are a lot of negative results even though other mitochondrial disorder markers are present.

Ideas to prevent infanticide and foeticide in India and China....

Spread the word and make sure that your voice is heard and these ideas are implemented.

- Free education for women upto college and even post graduate education in government run institutions (Similar plans are being implemented in many states in India)
- Indian and Chinese males should stand up to their own moms and dads when they start chirping about unwanted female children.
- Come down hard on eve teasing and harassment activities in states that practice infanticide. The harassment arises out of the same attitude that causes infanticide down the line. A few "good boys" will end up behind bars, but it will be a better lesson than reminding them that their sisters and mothers are women too. That carrot approach does not seem to be working well anyway.
- Create a feminine movement so that women feel a sisterhood towards each other and stand up for a woman in a neighboring house rather than turn a blind eye.
- Refuse marriage of women into households or be very careful of families that have only male children or a very high percentage of males. Chances are high that they did you know what. Again, a few innocents will be in needless trouble, but sometimes poisonous and normal snakes look alike and it is better to get out a stick and protect your own daughters and sisters.
- Do not provide any government incentives to families that have only males. Again the bad snake good snake logic applies. But that is OK. Consider it payback for all the dead female children.
- Provide extra incentives for families that have more than one girl child. This will help correct the gender balance in a few years.
- If you have a female child, rub it in other peoples faces by educating her and providing her the same opportunities as a male child. This is the one thing that makes female killing folks look foolish and dumb.
- Encourage marriage of males to educated women. A lot of mother-in-laws are scared of educated women as they cannot practice infanticide in those cases.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Small victories...

The fight against autism is usually a series of small victories from a parent standpoint. Here is a snippet from an old House MD episode "Lines in the Sand" (Episode 4 in Season 3).

Parents of autistic children are acutely aware of their child's potential and fight hard to find ways to express that potential. The outside world is typically skeptical and does not have the same opinion.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Rotavirus vaccine...cure deadlier than problem?...

Just another example of the crazy world of vaccines targeted toward young kids in the US. Rotavirus vaccines are being introduced now. It is accepted that Rotavirus does not cause deaths, only severe illness. However the vaccine itself seems to have rumblings of deadly or more severe complications.

The 120 or more dollars per vaccine out of US coffers, either government or parent, is a powerful lure for these drug companies, almost along the lines of Viagra. A vaccine in the third world country would give them pennies. But apply some lobbying grease into political parties and candidates and your child will have to take a newly formulated vaccine as a mandatory vaccine or else he will not be allowed to set foot in a school campus. Try doing that to workers coming in to this country, legal and illegal. In many ways, the US populace is a captive audience of big pharma, in the same way a US driving licence makes it easier for cops to ticket you and pull up your driving records. Both big pharma and the cops know that the dollars will eventually show up, thanks to your US "privileges".

Expect this vaccine to show up in the mandatory list for your kid soon.

An interesting point though. Pediatricians and doctors hate vaccinations as insurance stiffs them and does not pay much. So the pediatricians will try to stuff in as many vaccine injections as possible in a single visit. If your child is adopted from Russia, too bad. He might get ten or more vaccines on a single day. Do not allow that! It is a recipe for enormous danger and a very high probability of autism. Make sure that your busy peditrician does not recommend such a step. Work with them and the nurses and come up with a plan to space them out, whether they are oral or injection form.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Recent Autism vaccine link and the limit theorem...

Did the recent news about the link between vaccines and autism leave you confused? On the one hand, we had the vaccine board compensating the parents. On the other hand, everybody, including the CDC, Mitochondrial Disease Foundation and many other organizations started tempering expectations.

Here is a link to the one sided limit theorem. If you look at the graph there, what we have proof for right now is that if a kid has mitochondrial disorder, he or she will be pushed from one red dot to the other(normal to autism) if provided with multiple vaccines at the same time. The spin for now is essentially that someone has to be really close to the red dot to be pushed over to the other red dot.

But my question to everyone is, how do you know in advance if someone is close to the red dot? Maybe a mito kid is more obvious as they have other physical symptoms. What if only the brain mitochondria is having a dysfunction? Due to the nature of mitochondrial cell division, each body part tends to have different mitochondria. So having normal muscle mitochondria is no guarantee for normal brain mitochondria. In fact, mito experts do a lot of hand wringing even after a positive muscle biopsy as there is no guarantee as to what the next affected organ would be.

Taken to the extreme, should we be doing brain biopsies for mitochondrial disorders checks before vaccines, given that 1 in 150 of new born kids have autism? Or should we just go by the good old luck of the draw? Which mitochondrial mutations should we be checking for? Or should we worry about even the slightest mutation and play it safe? These are questions that need to be answered rather than asking people to look the other way and not worry about an autism-mitochondrial disorder link.

So mathematically, you have to keep looking in there. We have just found the one sided limit; it is time to dig deep and identify all the things that push kids towards the dots. For example, if mitochondrial disorders are the "edge of the cliff", where is the research regarding action on both sides of the cliff and research to ensure that the disease progression is tracked well before we end up in a "over the cliff" situation? The research dollars for mito disorders have to be definitely increased.